Steiner Education for the hands, heart and head

The Kindergarten
The School’s Kindergarten is for children aged 3 to 6 years and provides a warm, nurturing environment like a home away from home with an emphasis on a play based curriculum. Through play, children develop interactive skills such as co-operation, empathy, intuition and the ability to see things from the perspective of others. A great sense of confidence and security is built up within the young child, preparing them for the next stage of development. We spend most of the time outdoors playing with water and sand, harvesting and carving willow and caring for plants and herbs used in meal-making. Our aim is to provide an unhurried approach to childhood, allowing each child time to fully develop at his or her own pace. Children also develop loving relationships with their teachers and other children. Read more

The Primary School
The Kildare Steiner Primary School caters for children aged 6 to 12 years. At around the age of six or seven, children are developmentally ready for a more formal process of learning to read and write. From First Class the children cover key subjects such as English, maths, history, geography, science and Irish, as well as music, crafts, botany, geology and astronomy. The introduction of reading, writing and arithmetic happens primarily through the arts and imagination. The use of stories, painting, drama and music involves the head, heart and hands in the learning process. The aim is to educate the whole child, not just the intellect. Teachers are dedicated to fostering a genuine enthusiasm for learning, making a strong appeal to the child’s creative imagination. A key feature of the school day is the Main Lesson, a daily session which continues over a period of up to four weeks where a topic is explored from many and varied perspectives. The topics are chosen carefully to resonate with your child’s age and stage of development. Read more

The Secondary School
In September 2019 the Kildare Steiner Secondary School opened and provides a stimulating and holistic learning environment for adolescents. It caters for young
people whose parents are interested in an alternative secondary school for their children from Class 7 to Class 9, which is the equivalent of First Year to Third Year in mainstream secondary school in Ireland. Read more