The Primary School
The Kildare Steiner Primary School caters for children aged 6 to 12 years; prior to this children attend our kindergarten where they follow an unhurried play-based curriculum. In the video below, our former teacher Gale talks with immense passion about Steiner’s approach to education.
Readiness for formal learning
At around the age of six or seven, changes in the way a child communicates, plays, moves and works with their hands shows that they are ready for the more formalized learning processes of reading and writing. Because they are developmentally ready, your child will learn naturally and rapidly, soon reaching the same standards as their peers in other schools.
A broad and rich curriculum
From First Class the children cover all key subjects such as English, math, history, geography, science and Irish. They also have the opportunity to learn German as well as a host of other topics they may not cover in other schools such as music, crafts, botany, geology and astronomy.
Educating the whole child
The introduction of reading, writing and arithmetic happens primarily through the arts and imagination – this use of stories, painting, drama and music involves the head, heart and hands in the learning process, as the aim is to educate the whole child, not just the intellect. Teachers are dedicated to fostering a genuine enthusiasm for learning, making a strong appeal to the child’s creative imagination.
Structure of learning
A key feature of the school day is the Main Lesson, a daily session which continues over a period of up to four weeks, where a topic is explored from many and varied perspectives. The topics are chosen carefully to resonate with your child’s age and stage of development. This allows a deep understanding to be achieved by the child and gives them a sense of continuity and purpose in what they are learning.
As in the Kindergarten, there is a strong emphasis throughout on nature-based play and education, strengthening the child’s connection to nature and the seasons.
Detailed curriculum
Steiner education is about sound progress and not success at all costs. Children are not grouped in accordance with mental capacity but according to age, and are assessed as to their individual capability.